Intervarsity Games 2010/2011 Committee Application is now OPEN!
Dear all,
The Marketing Department of AMSA Malaysia will be organizing the annual Intervarsity Games in the coming December 2010. Various of sports competitions will be held.
The main objective of this project is to build and strengthen the relationship between the players from the universities from all over Malaysia.
AMSA Malaysia is currently searching to form a committee board for this event.
If you are interested to play a part in organizing this program, kindly download the application form at the foot of this post and submit to the Marketing Officers of AMSA Malaysia, Mr. Jee Yong Hing or Mr. Kelvin Lee Zhi Xing.
The deadline of application is now extended to 3rd July 2010.
For any enquiries, please email to Mr. Jee Yong Hing at
Thank you.
~Building Bridges, Sharing Dreams~
Jee Yong Hing
Marketting Officer of AMSA Malaysia 2010/2011
Officer-In-Charge of Intervarsity Games 2010/2011.
Download the application form here: IVG Application Form