HANDS-ON! Public Poster Competition

HANDS-ON! Public Poster Competition



Integrative Medicine: evidence-based traditional, complementary and alternative medicine in modern medical practice








1. To raise awareness of integrative medicine and/or traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine

2. To recognize the potential of integrative medicine and/or traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine and its role as part of modern medical practice




1. Public poster will mainly consist of graphics and design

2. For text, only a single phrase slogan can be used

3. Increase the public’s awareness of integrative medicine/traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine as part of modern medical practice

4. Maximum participant for each submission is 2 persons and no limitation of submission per university



Poster Format

1. File: Poster (.jpg), Abstract (.doc, .docx)

2. *Abstract/slogan word limit: 25 words

3. Size: 43.5 cm x 61.5 cm

4. Orientation: portrait or landscape

5. Language: English ONLY

*Note: The abstract for the public poster should be the elaboration on the slogan


Judging Criteria

The public poster will be judged by a panel of professors and doctors.


Content Style and Diction of Slogan                   10

Use of Graphics                                                             10

Originality                                                                        10

Aesthetics Professional Design                              10

Visual Appeal                                                                  10

Total                                                                                   50



Submission Procedure and Deadline

All relevant files should be submitted by April 10th 2011 through respective university representatives.



Submissions will be disqualified for any of the following:

1. Not meeting theme and guidelines (i.e. Size)

2. Plagiarism of any sort

3. Use of language other than English


The winning participants will be given seats and HAVE TO attend Joint Conference at HONG KONG.

*Poster will only be presented in JC if shortlisted by Organizing Committee of the conference.


Please kindly refer to your respective university representatives or rcmalaysia@amsa-international.org for more information.

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