Tag: amsep

Building Bridges, Sharing Dreams

The AMSEP JAPAN-MALAYSIA (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) Experience

Last March 27-April 1, 2012, 4 delegates from Kanazawa Medical University Japan participated in the Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Program hosted by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). This seven-day experience for the Japanese students was composed of various activities in the university, hospital, around our capital, Kuala Lumpur and Penang. The delegates who participated in the exchange program…
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AMSEP Malaysia-Philippines 2011

  hi all, AMSEP Malaysia-Philippines is back! This time, it will be held at 2nd to 9th November 2011. 10 UKM medical students are required as delegates to represent AMSEP Malaysia to Philippines.   Don’t miss the chance. Please get the application form from AMSA board KCKL / Ibnu Sina. The dateline of application is…
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AMSEP Malaysia-Thailand back in town!

What is AMSEP? The Asian Medical Students’ Exchange Program,creates opportunities for international preclinical exchanges. The program varies every year as it depends on the hosting university students to organize the schedule. Apart from learning about the medical system and education, the students will have a great chance to experience the cultural aspects of the country.…
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