JAMSA Logo and Front Page Design Competition
Journal of Asian Medical Students’ Association (JAMSA) has announced a competition amongst all AMSA Chapters. The competition includes making a logo (monogram) for the journal and front cover for the journal. Last date for entries is 15 August. Wining monogram and cove page will be considered the official cover page and monogram for JAMSA. A cert…ificate of participation will be awarded and name of the creator will be mentioned on the Journal too. So be quick and smart, it is an international competition. Send all entries to addressed to me, Kong Chia Yew, Section Editor, of the Journal of The Asian Medical Students’ Association by the dateline at kchiayew_133@hotmail.com by 12 August. Numan Majeed, Chief Editor, JAMSA Kong Chia Yew, Section Editor, JAMSA