AMSC Philippines Pre-conference Competition

AMSC Philippines Pre-conference Competition


Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) Malaysia is excited to announce we are holding a pre-conference competition

as a national preliminary round for all competitions except scientific paper. Attached is the guidelines for the competition.
Universities which are interested to participate in the competitions, please submit your application form via email to by 10th of March 2012, 10pm to allow us to have a rough idea how many are participating.
Scientific Paper Team Preliminary Selections entries are required to be submitted by  10th of March 2012, 10pm
Entries of other categories should be submitted via email to  by deadline set for each category for application purpose.

After that, we will allocate the competition based on the selection. Please promote this to your colleagues and juniors.

Details of the conference are as follows.

The 33rd Asian Medical Students’ Conference 2012 (AMSC 2012)

Date:                                       8 July 2012 – 14 July 2012

Theme:                                    Surmounting Health Disparity across Asia as One Region

Venue:                                     Philippines

Organized by:                           Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) Philippines

Host:                                       Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas

Estimated Registration Fee:       To be confirmed


Academic Competitions available for The Asian Medical Students’ Conference 2012, Philippines and their respective preliminary round datelines are as follows.

1.      Scientific Paper – 10th of March 2012, 10pm

2.      Scientific Poster – 1st of May 2012, 10pm

3.       Health Campaign

o    Public Poster – 1st of May 2012, 10pm

o    Photography – 1st of May 2012, 10pm

o    Film – 1st of May 2012, 10pm


All full member universities and observer member universities are encouraged to participate in the competitions


Each participant can only participate in ONE (1) competition only. Presenters must attend AMSC 2012 by means of becoming delegates of AMSC 2012.

University representatives are required to submit names and entries of participants to Regional Chairperson for competition registration by the given deadline. Seat for participants will not be secured for member universities if names are not submitted.

Each applicant is required to enter the preliminary competition for each category and will be selected by a panel of judges comprising of Doctors, Regional Chairperson and Academic Officers of AMSA Malaysia.

For more information, kindly refer to Academic Officers of AMSA Malaysia:


Academic Department                        :

Isaac Tan Yieng Ler                               :

Katrina Ho Woon Yee                            :

Chris Teh Khang Wei                             :

Links to references:

Example of Scientific Paper

AMSC2012 Competition Application Form

AMSC 2012 Philippines Pre-competition Guidelines